Scentsy is the authentic wickless candle company, founded on the simple idea of offering a safer alternative to traditional candles. Highly scented wickless candles, heated in decorative warmers where the wax is melted by the heat of a low-watt bulb, infuse a space with beautiful fragrance – without a flame. The concept is simple. The warmers are beautiful. The fragrances are unique.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Make a Scene

Attention Friends, Customers, Fans: I want to share a sneak peek of our new Fall/Winter Scentsy catalog that has me so totally excited! This one is HUGE!!! Are you ready to "Make A Scene?" This is a must have!! 
You've all been to or heard of wine and painting parties right? If not, they are a great night of fun to get together with girlfriends to socialize and have fun creating something of your own hand and imagination. The finished product is completely different for each individual. Scentsy is giving you another great reason to get together some girl friends & make it a DIY night with our new "Make A Scene" warmer!!! You can order from 2 choices in the catalog, or you can get creative & make your own design!! 
I am booking dates NOW for "Make A Scene" parties for September and October. I have 2 dates already booked for September, so contact me to get yours booked ASAP. The warmer is $45. Your guests PRE-Order the warmer so you already have an idea of how successful your party is going to be and what you get to look forward to for your hostess rewards. How cool is this? I'm seriously so excited for this one!!! Check out a few ideas below from other talented consultants ❤️

Monday, August 8, 2016

FREE Scentsy?!

My goal is to ‪#‎recruit‬ 1 person a month for the next 6 months. Wether you join to be a ‪#‎kitnapper‬, make ‪#‎money‬ off your own purchases or make this a full-time ‪#‎rewarding‬ ‪#‎career‬ I will guide you in your Scentsy ‪#‎journey‬!
Take one of my "On the Go" bags wherever you go, collect orders and I will give you those orders when ‪#‎signup‬ to be a ‪#‎ScentsyConsultant‬! You will have your first party under your belt! Fall/winter is going to be ‪#‎amazing‬!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Buy one diffuser and get an additional shade for FREE

You have seen our beautiful diffusers and now is your time to get one with this AwEsOmE deal!!
Get a free Evoke or Instill Shade (customer’s choice) with every Diffuser purchase — a $50 (USD) /$60 (CAD) value, plus you’ll receive an additional 10 percent off as part of the Scentsy sale!
It’s the same amazing Scentsy Diffuser, now with TWO gorgeous Shades to keep your home décor exciting and fresh, available until 
Aug. 31 or while supplies last.
Here are a few highlights to include as you share this limited-time offer:
* Includes a lifetime warranty!
* Stylish, interchangeable Shades let you change up your décor an
anytime. In August, you get two Shades for the price of one!
* Features the world’s best ultrasonic nebulizing diffuser to ensure long-lasting high performance.
* 16 LED lighting effects and three mist settings for total customization.
* Large water basin for eight hours of continuous use.
* Instantly fills the air with all-natural Scentsy fragrance!
* Eligible for Host Rewards, so host a party to save even more!
* The sale ends at 11:59 p.m. (MT) Aug. 31.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Can you help??

Today I have MASSIVE goals to set up for the next 6 months and I am going to do everything I can to work toward earning a trip to Punta Cana or AFRICA!!!! 

So here it is: I am looking for basket party hosts, home party hosts, people who want to take this trip with me, and FUNDRAISERS! I have goals, and I am going to work them hard!!! Come join me! 🙃😘🤑🎄❄️⭐️🙌🏻