10 Years of Thank You ~ I know some people will look at this warmer and ask why? Maybe I could see that from a customer's side but this warmer means the world to me!
When I look at this warmer, here is what I see:
Blessed in so many ways
PROUD of my business
Gratitude to my team and customers
Travel to places I NEVER dreamed of going to
and many more
What do you see? You can see the same things as I see. Join my team and we'll go on this journey together!
MARCH WARMER | Sleek White Warmer with custom 10-year anniversary Thank You Frame Commemorate a decade of Scentsy style with the simple and smooth Sleek White Warmer — a perfect backdrop to our custom 10-year anniverary Thank You Frame. Your Warmer of the Month purchase entitles you to a FREE warmer — Scentsy’s way of saying thanks!*
The Thank you Frame is magnetic and additional frames can be purchased and changed when desired.
*Scentsy will pick the free warmer
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